Q: Where can I find my Invoice Number?
A: Your Invoice Number is located in the top right corner of your invoice.
Q: Where can I find my Customer ID?
A: Your Customer ID can be found on your invoice in the top row under the column labeled "Customer".
Q: How can I pay via Check
A: To pay an invoice by check, simply locate the company address below:
G&G Outfitters, Inc.
P.O. Box 37121
Baltimore, MD 21297-3121
SureShip, Inc.
P.O. Box 37146
Baltimore, MD 21297-3121
Q: How can I pay ACH
A: Please use the below payment information to send payments electronically via ACH credit:
Attn: Tonya Hill
5 Church Circle
Annapolis, M 21401
Phone: 410-626-1470
Account: 32419530
ABA: 021052053
Attn: Tonya Hill
5 Church Circle
Annapolis, M 21401
Phone: 410-626-1470
Account: 41062725
ABA: 021052053
Q: How can I use wire transfer
A: Please use the below account number:
Attn: Tonya Hill
5 Church Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-626-1470
Account: 0005256248486
ABA: 055003308
Attn: Tonya Hill
5 Church Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-626-1470
Account: 0005157611560
ABA: 055003308
If you have any questions, please contact our Accounts Receivable Department at